Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

It was ok.
When I got out of the theater I remarked that it should have been called "Harry Potter and the blood clot" because I think I was in danger of getting one from sitting so long. They cut a ton of stuff out (which I am very thankful for, the books are getting soooo detailed) and pretty much stuck to the events dealing with the Tri-wizard tournament.
Which is a good thing, there was lots of action going on surrounding that competition, so that kept the movie moving forward. But there were a lot of "goofy" things that were happening that just kept me from getting into the movie. The introduction of the wizards and witches from the other schools leaps to mind, it was just plain weird watching that Bulgarian dude break dancing in front of Dumboldore. The only thing that was missing was having the student get in the headmaster's face and say "You gots served... SUCKA!!!"
Overall I was a little disappointed. the last movie was much better than this one. I give it 5 out of 10.
Tags:Entertainment, Reviews
If he would have served Dumbledore, that would have been awesome!
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