The Family Stone

This past Saturday was date night. Katie and I went to the movies and saw The Family Stone. She liked it, I couldn't get out of the theater fast enough.
Imagine "Meet the Fockers" set at Christmas time, but less funny. Now imagine a bit of "Trading Spouses" mixed in and a sprinkle of "Its A Wonderful Life". That pretty much sums up the movie. It just couldn't decide what it wanted to be when it grew up.
Don't get me wrong, there were a few funny scenes here and there, but not enough to save the movie. And how Sarah Jessica Parker got cast as Dermot Mulroney's girlfriend is beyond me, she looks about 15 to 20 years older than him for most of the movie. I like Rachel McAdams, but her snarky character was too much. I was ready to strangle her about 20 minutes into the movie.
And I think that pretty much the movie in a nutshell: EXTREME ACTING!!!!!! SJP: Uber-stiff. Craig T. "Coach" Nelson: Hippy-Dad! Rachel McAdams: Liberal-Girl! Luke Wilson: Berkley Stoner!
I give it 4 out of 10.
Tags:Entertainment, Reviews
Classy movie poster, maybe they got that idea from Meet the Fockers too? Kind of surprised considering how the actors are portraying the movie in interviews.
I've noticed that in a lot of ways actors are like used car salesmen. Whatever car you are looking at is the greatest things since sliced bread. But as soon as something else comes along, boom, they are on it like white on bread.
I'm wondering if in a few years if an interviewer mentions this movie to a few of the stars if they will go "Oh! That old piece of junk? Yikes I can't believe I was in that!".
Thanks for the warning!!!!
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