Friday, December 30, 2005

My newest show to hate: Close To Home

I do not understand why TV shows about lawyers are continuing to be made, much less why they are "highly rated" or "critically acclaimed". Everybody I know despises lawyers. Yet TV show after TV show and movie after movie gets made that are centered on mean, snobby, self-righteous, mercurial lawyers.

I had to force myself to watch Close To Home all the way through tonight. I decided to check the show out just to see what it was all about. In the first 10 minutes the lead character Annabeth has made 3 references to her having a newborn at home. At that point I was ready to change the channel. But I decided to stick it out, and boy was I punished for doing that.

Way to clobber us over the head with that deftly written "I can't have coffee, I'm nursing" scene. Yet, later in the episode the main character is seen drinking what appears to be a beer. Whaaaa? But don't even think about spitting on the side walk in Annabeth's town, she'll lock you up and throw away the key.

In tonight's episode "Suburban Prostitution", there is a complaint about a soccer mom/milf running a call service out of her house. When finally convinced/ordered to investigate, Annabeth goes straight for the jugular. Mayhem ensues with suicides, blackmail, felonies right and left, and through out it all is Annabeth, stone faced as ever. I swear I've seen turnips display more emotional depth that that lady does. A lot of other characters on the show seem to suffer this same affliction, perhaps it is what Hollywood think people from Indiana are like (that is where the show is based).

When this train wreck of a show finally screeched its flaming wreckage to a complete stop at the train station I could muster only one thought: This show is popular? Why? Why, why, why, why, why, why, why?

Tomorrow I think I will go out and buy a sledgehammer to put near my TV.



At 2/17/2006 7:10 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I haven't seen the show, but I am from Indiana and all that stuff DOES happen here. I imagine dealing with that kind of crap everyday would make a person stoney, especially a red-head which I can also identify with. Your writing is great, broad vocabulary is definitely a plus compared to most of the crap I have read today. Oh, before I forget, I do believe that Anabeth is a real Prosecutor in Indianapolis. Try to keep that in mind when blaming everything on Hollywood (which usually they are to blame). Maybe Miss Finnigan is playing the role as the actual Annabeth. I have seen much of her other work, and the girl can act.

At 2/21/2006 10:18 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Thank you Shannon for your nice comment!

You do have a point about the actress and her portrayl of the character. My main gripe is that Hollywood likes to play up the same stereo-typical characters over and over. Personally I have very little interest in the lives and loves of lawyers in cities like NY or LA, yet we constantly get movies and shows about them.

Why is that? Does everyone but me love lawyers? Somehow I don't think that's the case.

Anyways all I want for Christmas is a couple of good shows that don't feel compelled to follow an old cliche. Ya know?


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