Brokeback Mountain
Yes it's a movie about gay cowboys.
Yes Brokeback Mountain is basically a love story.
Yes I saw it.
Is it worth all the fuss that is being made about it? Probably not.
Don't get me wrong, the fact that the movie is making people talk is a good thing. I just thought the movie was ok. I've been telling people that if the movie starred a man and a woman it would be referred to as a "Date movie" and no one would really think much of it. The performances are good, the story is pretty good (although I thought the end was a bit flat), the scenery and music are great. But for me the movie just didn't grab me the way other "lost love" movies have.
Which is ok, that's what movies are all about. Some people will like a movie, others won't. for me this movie was ok.
But one thing that has gotten my attention is the number of people out there who won't even see the movie because they are opposed to the central concept (the gay thing). I've run into a lot of people who are willing to dismiss the movie as no good because of this without even seeing it.
To me this wrong. You can't pass judgement on something you don't know anything about. The debates that this movie brings up are good, its important to get people talking about things, even if they are difficult or uncomfortable. Its even more important to educate yourself (i.e. see the movie) in order to make your own opinion.
So... to that effect I would tell everyone to see this movie before passing judgement. Yes there is a sex scene or two, but nothing is really shown. As a married straight guy I was uncomfortable for a second or two here and there in the movie, but its honestly nothing that has scarred me for life. I'm pretty sure most people out there have seen much worse things in other movies such as violent murders, Paris Hilton, and Pop stars trying to act.
I give this movie 6 out of 10.
Tags:Entertainment, Reviews